Information Pages

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Installing a Satellite Dish to Watch the News - Sheikh Salih al-Fawzan

Question: O noble Sheikh there are numerous questions surrounding one topic here is one of the questions. What is the ruling on the person who installs a satellite dish in his home just for the news or to listen to Al Jazeera channel?

Sheikh Fawzan: The news is obtained without a satellite dish, it can be obtained in the newspaper, it can be obtained on the radio, and it can be obtained on Saudi television that which is not on satellite. It is obtained without a satellite dish.

The satellite dish brings about evil upon him and upon others such as his children and his family. Thus its evil is greater than its benefit, if there is any benefit. The evil outweighs it. Thus do not install it in the home due to its pure evil or its preponderant evil.