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Monday, July 2, 2012

"Taqwa" is the provision for every journey..

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‘Umar bin Abdul-Aziz (rahimahullaah) said in a speech he gave:

There is a provision for every journey, so take the best provision, (which is) At-Taqwa; from this life to the Hereafter. Be just like those who have just witnessed Allaah’s torment, so that you feel fear (from His torment) & eagerness (for His forgiveness). Do not have prolonged hopes because your hearts will become hardened & you will submit to your enemy (shaytaan). 

Verily, Allaah did not give reason to have prolonged hopes to the one who might not live to see the night after the morning or to see the morning after the night, surrounded by traps of death that might overcome him between these two times. Only those who feel safe from Allaah’s torment & the horrors of the Day of Resurrection should feel assured & secure (& none should feel this way in this life). As for he who attends to a concern only to find that other concerns strike him, how can he feel safe? 

I seek refuge with Allah from ordering you to do what I forbid for myself, for if I do, my trade will fail & my poverty will be utterly exposed on a Day, during which only truth and sincerity will avail.

[Al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah of Ibn Kathir, Vol.9, Page 283]

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