Al-'Allaamah 'Abdur-Rahmaan ibn
Naasir As-Sa'dee
From the book: Essential Q&As about Eemaan (p.58-63)
From the book: Essential Q&As about Eemaan (p.58-63)
disbeliever knows nothing of tawakkul, nor does he look to other than his own
weak, humiliated self. Allaah has given him abilities that he uses only to
benefit his self, and thus caused them to become useless. If he attains some
things that he loves, then he is only being led into a gradual
believer meets all blessings that come his way with thankfulness, and he uses
them to benefit himself in a way that will cause more good to come.
disbeliever meets blessings with exuberance and pride, busying himself with the
blessing rather than the One who gave it to him, and thus does not offer any
thanks. He uses the blessings for his lowly goals. With all his exuberance, his
blessings are quick to part from him.
believer meets calamities with patience and counts on Allaah's Reward, hoping
for Allaah to remove the difficulty. The goodness and the reward that Allaah
gives him in place of his loss is greater than the beloved thing he lost or the
hardship he endured.