On the authority of Abu Hurairah رضي اللّه عنـه,
that the Messenger of Allaah صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم said:
“The woman is
married for four reasons: For her wealth, status, beauty & religion. Choose
the one that possesses the religion & may you prosper.”
[Bukhari & Muslim]
prophetic narration clarifies some of the characteristics that motivate a man
to marry a woman. It also specifies the preferred trait one should look for in
a spouse which is marrying a religious one. So
it is befitting when an individual intends to marry, that he chooses a woman
who is religious. He should not choose a woman that is negligent regarding her
religion due to the Prophet’s, peace be upon him, statement:
“Choose the one that possesses the
religion & may you prosper.”
“For her wealth”: If the woman is
wealthy, men will be attracted to her because of it. However, this could be
harmful to the man and as well as her, in that she could become arrogant and/or
oppressive to him and mention (all) her favours that she has done for him
spitefully. So as a result the wealth would be the cause for adversity in their