رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah (لا إله إلَّا الله ) - Lesson 1

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Explanation compiled by: Umm Hyatt al-Ameriki حفظها الله
Transcribed by: Umm Sumayrah al-Ameriki

Treatise: The Conditions of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah
By: Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul-Wahab an-Najdi

Lesson 1


The conditions of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah have proofs and the author has mentioned some of the proofs related to each condition.

Someone could say why does the statement of Tawheed (Laa Ilaaha Illallaah) need conditions? Hasn’t the Prophet () said:

مَنْ قَالَ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا الله دَخَلَ الجَنَّةَ

Whoever has said Laa Ilaaha Illallaah has entered Jannah.’

Yes, he did say that and there are also other narrations that aids the fact that the statement needs conditions such as:

Whoever says, Laa Ilaaha Illallaah sincerely from his heart...

Whoever says Laa Ilaaha Illallaah and disbelieves in that which is worshiped other than Allaah...”

So these are some of the different narrations that show that the statement of Laa Ilaaha Illallaah has conditions.

This also shows the fact that there are the hypocrites who also said Laa Ilaaha Illallaah but it did not benefit them and they found themselves in the lowest part of the Hell-Fire. This proves that the statement Laa Ilaaha Illallaah benefits some and does not benefit others.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Time to make our Tawheed Apparent

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Naseehah by: Umm Hyatt al-Ameriki حفظها الله
Transcribed by: Umm Hasna as-Saylâniyyah
From the Most Beautiful Names of Allaah سُبحانه وتعالى, is that He is The Only One Who Heals and Cures. And also from Allaah's Beautiful Names is *At-Thabeeb* ~  (The Doctor). Both *Ash-Shaafie and At-Thabeeb* are authentic Names and there is daleel (proof) for that. 

We chose this particular topic today because we are in a time now wherein various types of illnesses are spreading whether physical/mental ~ i.e. in general (even before COVID -19). If we contemplate, before Allaah سُبحانه وتعالى created the heavens and the earth -- 50,000 years ago, it is written in *The Preserved Tablet*- (Al Law-al-Mahfoud), This is our belief.

Mental illnesses can be classified as depression, anxiety etc. and there has been an increase of this. What we also found is that along with the increase in illnesses, it has become a norm that the believers who have submitted their souls to Allaah are also attaching their hearts to other than Allaahسُبحانه وتعالى . They are fleeing to the creation for healing and seeking cure forgetting that it is only Allaah Who is ash-Shaafie -- The sole Healer and Curer and He is at-Thabeeb.

Islaamic perspective during an Epidemic

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Allaah سبحانه و تعالى wants good for him in order that his sins be removed by way of his difficulties and pain.

These afflictions, hardships and trials for the Believer is not a punishment --- but it is good since it removes his sins. It is a form of purification for him.
It removes the sins of the Believer as a tree sheds its leaves on a windy day as comes in the Hadeeth.

This is a small reminder for myself and then to you.

This is a time to strengthen our belief, certainty, trust and dependence upon Allaah سبحانه و تعالى and to strengthen our Tawakal.

Superiority of Faith (belief) of the Believer should be more obvious during these days. The Believer should not show weakness and fear during these times of trials & tribulations. He should rather turn to his Caretaker, his Owner, his Organizer .... the One to Whom everything belongs and to the One Whom everything will return.

صلى الله على نبينا محمد

Ā'ishah bint Abi Bakr as-Siddiq رضي الله عنها

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'Ā'ishah رضي اللّٰه عنها said:

“I have surely been given nine virtues which were not given to any other woman after Maryam bint 'Imrān:

Jibrīl descended with my image in his dream until the Prophet was commanded to marry me.

He married me when I was a virgin and he did not marry a virgin other than me.

His soul was taken while his head was in my lap.

He was buried in my home.The angels surrounded my home.

Revelation descended while I was with him under his blanket.

Consequence of listening to Music

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"If cold water enters your ears it would hurt, then what about molten lead being poured into them as a punishment for listening to music?!"

 Sheikh Saleh Al Fawzaan حفظه الله


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wish for one more deed!!

Sheikh Al-Uthaimeen رحمه الله تعالى:

“Let every single one of us know that there will come a day where we would wish that our books had one extra good deed or one less sin. And that Day is NOT far away at all..."

Do not hastily get up after salaah!

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Sheikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz رحمه الله mentioned:
The sitting after the taslim in the prescribed prayers is from the most important times, in which the mercy of Allaah descends (upon his slaves). Do not hastily get up, rather seek forgiveness from Allaah, glorify Him, praise Him, and magnify Him.”

Ibn Baṭṭal رحمه الله said:
"Whoever has many sins and desires that Allaah remove these sins from him without burdening himself, then let him seize this opportunity and remain seated in his place after the prayer, so that he may take advantage of the supplications from the Angels and their asking forgiveness for him."

Source: Sharh Ibn Battal, vol. 3, pg. 114

The Firm Supplication

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‘Abdullāh ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله تعالى عنه said:
Indeed Allāh does not accept from the one who recites to be heard, nor from the insincere, nor from the one playing, nor the supplicant except for the one who supplicates with a firm supplication from his heart.
(Az-Zuhd of Ibn al-Mubārak 83)

Sheikh Dr. ‘Abdur-Razzāq al-Badr, may Allāh preserve him, said:
The firm supplication is the one emerging from heart because Allāh does not accept the supplication from a heedless heart as it has come in the Hadīth:

Supplicate to Allāh while you are certain of an answer and know that Allāh does not answer the supplication from a heedless inattentive heart.’