رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Letters To My Precious Mother... (3)

Delicious Pomegranates of Dammaj

Well, this was a day I had been longing for so long .. and well finally here in Dammaj. Allaah azzawajal united us all as a family once again... the missing part of the puzzle finally fit in its slot.. and we are now a complete family. Alhamdulillaah wa minnah! (All Praise & Graces are due to Allaah). At the request of Abdullah I am not writing about him.. smile! He is very shy and a private person so I want to respect his wishes. While I pen this, he is reading this.. so I have no choice but to avoid writing about him.

Alhamdulillaah things are falling into place for us with the Mercy of Allaah azzawajal. Adjusting to the new country, environment, culture etc.. especially for the sake of Allaah is a Jihadh in itself. Our enthusiastic minds leap forward whilst our bodies are unable to cope with it. Alhamdulillaah in all situations. All Praise is due to Him for helping us. We will be tested in our struggle to please Him azzawajal and we ask Him alone for sabr and thawfeeq in all our affairs. Ameen.

                                         Typical Dammaji Homes of the locals                                        

It was a strange feeling when Abdullah took us into our so called home.. our house made of clay bricks. The clay ofcourse keeps the house cool in winter and supposedly warm in winter. Well the first thing we wanted to do was to know the direction of the Qiblah to do Sajda Shukr for bringing us safely to the fortress of Sunnah, a place many could only dream of coming. There were several checkpoints of the Rafidha but Allaah (azzawajal) made it smooth sailing for us… it was like a breeze. In several checkpoints there were hardly anyone manning it. All Praise is due to Allaah, Lord of the worlds! 
Well, I didn't have to pinch myself to know whether this was real or not...our feet were actually in the sands of Dammaj ... our duas answered by my Rab, our dream to make a home in the land of the Sunnah finally a reality.. we are really really in Dammaj... not ila Dammaj but fil Dammaj.. (not to Dammaj anymore but in Dammaj!). Alhamdulillaah!
Alhamdulillaah I was able to post part 3 today after a struggle. Smile! It is indeed a cultivation of sabr for me to sit here waiting for the pages to reload, edit and post. Phew it takes such a long long time!! The treat tonight was burghers!! Yummy! The local store near the Masjid had frozen burgher patties for sale and voila what do you know we enjoyed diving into home assembled mock McDonalds made by my daughter with yummy sauce. D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!! Anyone wants the recipe?

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