رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Monday, July 1, 2013

“Women seeking Knowledge‏”

Shaykhah Umm Salamah bint ‘Alee asSalafiyyah (Dammaj, Yemen)

Only one of these many proofs is sufficient for the ruling that the following statement is false: “Reading and writing are not for women, they are for us. And for them from us is that they are the origin of impurity.”

It is also false when someone says that it is an innovation that women seek knowledge in the Masaajid. Rather, I am amazed that the one who says this would prevent his wife from going to the Houses of Allaah to seek knowledge yet at the same time he allows her to go from house to house and from shop to shop!

The Prophet صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم said: “Do not prevent the slaves of Allaah from the Houses of Allaah.” - Al Hadeeth
So, which proof establishes this ignorant person’s claim that it is an innovation for the women to seek knowledge in the Masaajid, when its allowance in the Houses of Allaah is known?

Our scholars, the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah, and we do not like that the Masaajid are free from study circles and that they are instead established in the houses. We do not get the reward of knowledge and teaching except in the Masaajid. This is for both the men and women, and whoever wishes to make a division between them, then he must present his proof and we seek aid in Allaah.

We ask Allaah, the Greatest, to establish us firmly in our religion and that He uses us to benefit Islaam and the Muslimoon. Verily He is the Guardian and Able to do that.

Supporting the Rights of the Believing Women 
Chapter: Women Seeking Knowledge
Excerpt from Pages 175 – 176

Important clarification
  Shaykh Al-Albani said (Al-Sahihah hadith 2680):
“As for what has become widespread lately here in Damascus where the women frequent the mosques at particular times to listen to a class given by one of them, from those they call ‘callers’ (dâ’iyah) – they claim, then this is from the innovated matters not done in the time of the Prophet – Allah’s praise and peace be upon him – nor during the time of the Righteous Predecessors. Rather, what was known and practised then was the righteous scholars would take the responsibility of teaching [women] in a specified place – as in this hadith, or in the men’s classes with the women sitting in a separate place if possible, otherwise the men would prevail and the women would not be able to learn or ask.

If women are found today who have some knowledge and sound fiqh, taken from the Book and Sunnah, then there is no harm in having a private gathering in her house or the house of one of the other women. This is better for them, and how can it not be so when the Prophet – Allah’s praise and peace be upon him – said about Congregational prayers in the masjid, “And [the women’s] houses are better for them,’? If this is the case regarding prayers, during which the Muslim woman has to adhere to a level of etiquette and modesty that she doesn’t outside of prayer, then how can knowledge in the houses not be more proper? Especially since some of them raise their voices, and other women might take part in the talk, so they will make an ugly and blameworthy din in the masjid. This is what we have heard and witnessed, regrettably. Then, I saw this invention spread to other lands, like Amman. We ask Allah to save us from every innovation (bid’ah muhdathah).”

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