From Aishah, (radiyAllaahu anha), that
the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
“Indeed the devil comes to you and
says, ‘Who created you?’ He says, ‘Allaah.’ He says, ‘So who created Allaah?’
So when one of you finds that [i.e., such whisperings], let him read, ‘I
believe in Allaah & His Messengers,’ for verily that will leave him.”
[Silsilah 116 Hasan]
From Abu Hurairah, (radiyAllaahu anhu),
who said: “The Prophet of Allaah صلى
الله عليه وسلم said:
“The devil comes to one of you & says, ‘Who created such and such? Who
created such & such? Who created such & such?’ Until he says, ‘Who created
your Lord?’ When he reaches that [level], then let one seek refuge with Allaah & refrain from such thoughts.”
[Bukhaari and Muslim, Silsilah
no. 117]
“The people are about to question each
other, such that one of them will say,