al-Jawziyyah (رحمه الله) said in ‘Zad al-Ma’ad’ (2/22-26):
“…The Prophet صلّى
اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم was the most generous
person in giving away what he owned, and he
would never look at something as being either too big or too insignificant to
give up for the sake of Allaah.
would ask him for anything except that he gave it to them, regardless
of how big or small it was. He gave things away in
a way that made it seem that he never feared poverty, and generosity and
charity were the most beloved things to him. His happiness and
joy in giving something away was more than that felt by those who would accept
his gifts. He was the most generous person, and his generosity was like the
blowing wind.