رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Great blessings from Allaah due to direct consequences of tests & trials!

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Ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله said:

…If you ponder Allaah’s wisdom in that with which He tests His slaves and chosen ones, by means of which He directs them to achieve the highest goals and reach the highest positions, which they could not have achieved without these tests and trials… all these tests and trials are in fact a kind of honour, for while they appear to be trials and tests, in fact they are mercy and blessings.

How many great blessings from Allaah are the direct consequences of tests and trials?

Think about the story of our father Adam, and how his test ended with him being chosen and brought close to Allaah, and repenting and being guided and raised in status.

Think about the story of our second father Nooh, and how his test and patience with his people all those centuries led to his victory, when the people of earth were drowned in answer to his prayer; and mankind after that were all descended from his offspring; and Allaah made him the fifth of five, namely the Messengers of strong will, who are the best of the Messengers. And Allaah commanded His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم to be patient like him, and praised him for his gratitude, saying:

إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَبْدًا شَكُورًا
“Verily, he was a grateful slave”
[al-Isra’ 17:3]

And He described him as being perfect in patience and gratitude.

And think about the story of our third father Ibrahim, the Imaam of the monotheists and the Sheikh of the Prophets, the pillar of the world and the Close Friend of the Lord of the Worlds among the sons of Adam. Think about what his trials and patience and his offering himself to Allaah led to. Think how his offering himself to Allaah and supporting His religion led to Allaah taking him as a close friend (khaleel) for Himself… And Allaah multiplied his descendants and blessed them and increased them until they filled the world; and He caused Prophethood and Noble Books to be limited to his progeny thereafter; and He brought forth from them Muhammad صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم and commanded him to follow the path of his father Ibrahim.

Then think about the one who spoke with Allaah, Moosa, and what his trials and tests from the day of his birth until the end of his life led to, until Allaah spoke to him directly and brought him close to Him; He wrote the Torah for him with His hand and raised him up to the highest heavens, and He forgave him for what He may not forgive anyone else – for he threw the Tablets to the ground and they broke; and he seized the beard of the Prophet of Allaah, Haroon, and pulled him towards him; and he smacked the face of the Angel of Death and put out his eye; and he argued with his Lord on the night of the Isra’ concerning the Messenger of Allaah, but his Lord loved him in spite of all that; and none of that made his Lord get upset with him, or lowered his status before Him. Rather he is close to Allaah. Were it not for the great trials and calamities that he had already gone through for the sake of Allaah, and the immense hardships that he had suffered with Pharaoh and his people then with the Children of Israel, and the harm they caused him and the patience with which he bore it, he could not have achieved all that.

Think about the Messiah and his patience in dealing with his people; his forbearance for the sake of Allaah and how much he had to put up with, until Allaah raised him up and cleansed him of those who disbelieved and wrought vengeance upon his enemies, scattering them throughout the earth and taking away their kingdom and their pride until the end of time.

And when you come to the story of the Prophet صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم and think about his experience with his people and his patience for the sake of Allaah, how he put up with things that no other Prophet before him had had to bear, facing all kinds of situations, safety and fear, richness and poverty, security and stability in his own homeland then moving away and leaving it for the sake of Allaah, the killing of his loved ones and friends before his eyes, the disbelievers persecution of him in word and deed, using magic, lies and fabrications against him – but despite all that he was patient in obeying the command of Allaah and calling people to Allaah.

No Prophet was persecuted in the way that he was persecuted, or went through what he went through for the sake of Allaah; and no Prophet was rewarded as he was rewarded, for Allaah raised high his fame (al-Sharh 94:4), joined his name to His and made him the leader of all mankind; He made him the closest of creation to Him, the greatest in status before Him and the one whose intercession is always accepted. Thus these trials and calamities were in fact an honour for him, by means of which Allaah increased him in honour and virtue, and granted him the highest status.

And this is the case with his heirs after him; each one will have his share of trials and tests, which will help him to attain perfection according to his following of the Prophet.
{Miftaah Dar al-Sa’aadah (1/299-301)}

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