رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Journey to seek Ilm begins... Alhamdulillaah!

(Dammaj, Yemen - The Lighthouse of Islaam)

In the Name of Allaah (The One). I send peace & blessings upon His Messenger (Al-Mustafa) & upon His Messenger’s family, companions, & those who follow him in righteousness until the Day of Judgment (Yawm Al-Qiyaamah).

Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu to all those who visit my blog,

This is to inform you all that I am journeying to Dammaj, Yemen with my family to seek ilm bi'ithinillaahi. My Zawj (may Allaah reward him) just bought a socket to charge my laptop & voila here I am typing this post seated in the hotel, in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen. Alhamdulilllaah. 

Please be patient with me until I settle down & get access to internet which may take a while. This is my first visit to Yemen & everything so far has been such a wonderful learning experience which I hope to share with you all soon insha-Allaah under the page titled:  

"Letters To My Precious Mother… (the womb that bore me)."
May Allaah azzawajal make this Blog a platform to share with you all beneficial knowledge directly from the Fortress of Sunnah, (Dammaj), ameen.

O Allaah, I ask you to accept whatever I am doing for Your Face ALONE (without any show - 'riyaa') with pure 'Ikhlaas' on my scale of good deeds, ameen! I ask you for birr & taqwaa in this journey of ours & for deeds which pleases You. O Allaah facilitate our journey & let us cover its distance quickly. O Allaah, You are The Companion on our journey & the Successor over the family. O Allaah, I take refuge with You from the difficulties of travel, from having a change of heart & being in a bad predicament & I take refuge in You from an ill-fated outcome with wealth & family. Ameen.

Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir as-Saylaani 
fil Sana'a, Yemen 

He gives & does not take, He feeds & is not fed...

Animated wallpaper, screensaver 240x320 for cellphone 

Generosity is one of the Attributes of Allaah (Exalted be He); He gives & does not take; He feeds & is not fed; & He is the Most Generous One. The most beloved to Him is whoever acquires the same traits; He is Generous & He loves the generous; He is Knowledgeable & He loves the knowledgeable; He is Powerful & He loves the courageous; & He is Beautiful & He loves beauty.”

Imaam Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullah)
[al-Wabil as-Sayyib p. 43]

Posted from Sana'a, Yemen.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Whoever is knocking at the door of Allaah..

As long as you are performing prayer, you are knocking at the door of Allaah, and whoever is knocking at the door of Allaah, Allaah will open it for them."
Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah (Rahimahullaah)

How can knowledge be acquired??

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 Sheikh Saleh ibn al-Fawzaan al-Fawzaan (hafidhaullaah)

Knowledge cannot be acquired except through learning, and learning requires care and attention, effort, time, and it requires understanding, and it requires attentiveness of the heart – this is learning.”

[Sharh al-Usool ith-Thalaathah]

Posted from Dubai airport..

Who are the soft & tender hearted of people??


“Associate with, & keep the company of those who are Forgiving & Merciful [to others], for indeed they are the most soft & tender hearted of people.”

‘Awn ibn ‘Abdullaah, [Al-Hilyah, 6/249]
Posted from Dubai airport..

'If Allaah Loves people, He tests them.'

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In his explanation of 'Kitab at-Tawhid,' Sulayman bin 'Abdillah bin Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Wahhab mentioned the hadith of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

'If Allaah Loves a people, He tests them.'

After explaining some aspects of the hadith, Shaykh Sulayman asked the question: how is it that Allaah سُبحانه وتعالى  can test those who are beloved to Him?

Summarizing the words of Ibn Taymiyyah, he answered:

'...because this forces the servant to repent.’

Allaah tests the servants with the punishments of this world in order that they repent from their sins, as He سُبحانه وتعالى said: 

بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ

‘…Allâh may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allâh, & begging His Pardon).’
(Ar-Rum 30:41)  
Posted from Dubai airport...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Explanation of “There is no 'Itikaaf except in the three Mosques...”

 Answered by Shuyookh Ibn Baaz, Muqbil Bin Haadee, Uthaymeen & Yahya Al-Hajooree (Rahimahullaahu ta'ala)

Shaykh Ibn Baaz rahimahAllaah was asked: How sound is the hadeeth “There is no i’tikaaf except in the three mosques”? If the hadeeth is saheeh, does that in fact mean that i’tikaaf can only be observed in the three mosques?

He replied:
I’tikaaf is valid in mosques other than the three mosques, but it is essential that the mosque in which i’tikaaf is observed is a mosque in which prayers are held in congregation. If no prayers are held in congregation there, then it is not valid to observe i’tikaaf there. But if a person has vowed to observe i’tikaaf in one of the three mosques then he is obliged to do so in fulfillment of his vow.
Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 15/444.

**  ‘I’tikaaf: retiring to a Masjid for the remembrance of Allaah 

“No one tires of it…”

Allaah ruins him who deserts this Book (the Qur’aan) out of fear of persecution of the tyrants, allows him to go astray he who seeks guidance from a source other than the Qur’aan. The Noble Qur’aan is the Strong Rope of Allaah, the Wise Admonition and the Straight Path.

It is a Book that no one’s fancy can twist and no tongue can change. Unlike other books, nobody tires of it despite its repeated recitation. Its wonders will never exhaust and scholars will never feel satiated with it. 

One who talks in the light of this Book will be true. One who acts upon it will be rewarded. One who makes judgments in its light will make just judgments. And the one who summons mankind to it, guides them to the Straight Path.

Source: Excerpts taken from: Commentary on the Sermons of the Prophet {صلى الله عليه وسل} on his last Pilgrimage
Chapter 1 - Adherence to the Qur’aan
Shaykh ’Abdullaah bin Humaid
Chairman of the Supreme Council of Justice
Saudi Arabia

Where Are Those Who Love One Another?

The highest Level of Brotherhood is to love someone NOT for the material gain, NOT to achieve an Important Position, NOT for any short term or long term worldly benefit - but ONLY for the sake of Allaah (Azza Wa Jal).When you love someone only for the sake of Allaah (Azza Wa Jal) you have reached the pinnacle of friendship, and what remains is for both of you to remain careful not to allow any worldly benefits to enter into and spoil your friendship. If you love someone only for the sake of Allaah (Azza Wa Jal) strive to maintain that pure love in order to enjoy the success in the Hereafter.

Abu Hurairah (radhiyallaahu anhu) reported that the Messenger
صلى الله عليه وسلم said,

“Verily , Allaah will say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Where  are those who love one another because of My Loftiness (and Exaltedness)? Today I will give them shade in My Shade, a day on which there in no shade except for My Shade.’”

 Related by Muslim (2566), Ahmad (7190)

Tafseer - Explanation Surah 02 Al-Baqarah

Comprehensive Lecture Series by Dr. Saleh as-Saleh (rahimahullaah)
Tafseer - Explanation of Surah 02 Al-Baqarah