رَبِّ ابْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتاً فِى الْجَنَّةِ
'My Lord! Build for me a home with You in Jannaah'
(At-Tahreem 66:11)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Blood-Money of a sin is an apology..

Animated wallpaper, screensaver 240x320 for cellphone

Al-Imaam Ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“…Whoever wrongs you, then comes and apologizes for his wrongdoing, then the trait of humbleness obliges upon you to accept his apology whether it be true or false and to leave his hidden affairs to Allah ta’alaa, as the Messenger صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم, did with the hypocrites who stayed behind without joining him in the battle.

 So when he صلّى اللَّهُ عليه وسلّم returned (from battle), they came to him and apologized to him and he accepted their excuses and left their hidden affairs to Allah Ta’alaa. From the signs of nobility and humbleness is that if you see deficiency in his apology then do not take him to account for it and do not debate with him rather, say perhaps the affair is as you say and if something has been decreed, then it will occur and there is no prevention of it!  
 --  Ref: Madaarij as-Saalikeen (333/2)

As al-Imaam ash-Shaafi'e رحمه الله  said:

دية الذنب الاعتذار
The blood-money of a sin is apologizing !!

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